Material How to Flashing
1. MTK DA VCOM USB Drivers : Here
2. ADB Drivers : Here
2. (a) Last Update ADB drivers : Here
3. SP Flash Tool V3. Untuk MT6575, MT6577, MT6589 (3 edisi terakhir, bisa pake yg mana aja ): Here
3. (a) SP Flash Tool V2. Untuk MT6573 aja : Here
4. MTKdroidTools : Here
5. Firmware Advan or Stock Rom S3 : disini
How To Flashing
- Turn off the HH, dislodged (SIM Card and Memory Card), connect the data cable to HH, Open SP Flashtool, select Scater loading,voting in Stockrom doc had that already in the extract (name: mt6572_android).
- Do not Forget to enter SECRO also, check SECRO SECRO and locate the file that was downloaded .
- Click Download.
- Install the Battery and press and hold the power button + vol up (simultaneously) in HH, then enter the HH that is connected with the data cable to the PC when no confirmation install options, select which automatically .
- The process of reading the red color.
- The process of reading the color purple is also.
- The process of installing the system in yellow, bootlogo, etc.
- The process has been a successful means green Rim.
Warning !!!
If it turned out that his results Keep bootloop please Flash Again :D
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